Investigation of The Psychological Wellbeing after a One-Week-Skiing Intervention with Childhood Cancer Survivors
After a child’s cancer diagnosis, the life of the whole family changes immediately. Besides physical exposure due to both the disease and the treatment, psychological stress, anxiety and uncertainties arise for all family members. In a family-oriented winter sport rehabilitation camp in the alps the increased physical fitness should be focused besides the adventure and the psychological wellbeing, thus basically the path back to normality.
In order to investigate the latter, the parents of eight patients (10.87 yrs. ± 5.33 yrs.) were surveyed before and after the journey via the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) consisting of 25 items divided into five subscales (social behavior, hyperactivity, emotional problems, problems with peer groups, behavioral problems).
It was pointed out that for the given setting open answer options were more meaningful than closed answers. There was only one significance for the subscale behavioral problems. However, the parents stated distinctly positive effects regarding the social togetherness of the children, the atmosphere within the families, the independence and self- confidence of the children. According to the participants the rehabilitation journey could be recommended not only for the improvement of motor parameters and physical effects, but also on a psychological level and for an increased perceived health-related life quality
In order to investigate the latter, the parents of eight patients (10.87 yrs. ± 5.33 yrs.) were surveyed before and after the journey via the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) consisting of 25 items divided into five subscales (social behavior, hyperactivity, emotional problems, problems with peer groups, behavioral problems).
It was pointed out that for the given setting open answer options were more meaningful than closed answers. There was only one significance for the subscale behavioral problems. However, the parents stated distinctly positive effects regarding the social togetherness of the children, the atmosphere within the families, the independence and self- confidence of the children. According to the participants the rehabilitation journey could be recommended not only for the improvement of motor parameters and physical effects, but also on a psychological level and for an increased perceived health-related life quality
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Journal of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation Studies & Reports
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